Fun Fact#1
Seals are known as the dogs of the sea!
Fun Fact#2
blue whales hearts are the size of a car, take about a "big heart"!
Fun Fact#3
corals can move but only when they are larve/baby stage they can swim to new place to live!
Actual Fact#1
They can dive down to 2,400 meters, that's more than 7,800 feet while remaing under for 1hr and 40 minutes!
Actual Fact#3
blue whales can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour!
Actual Fact#5
corals eat plankton and small fish by using its stinging cells in its tentacles are used like harpoons to spear floating plants and fish which are plankotn!
Actual Fact#2
They molt, about once a year that can take up to six weeks.
Actual Fact#4
Their vocalizationsknown as songs can last up to 30 mintues, at least they can rehydrate!
Actual Fact#6
over half of the worlds coral reefs are already the reefs!